Greeting from Peter Gunny (Founder)

Greeting from Peter Gunny (Founder)

Hi, my name is Peter Gunny, welcome to our official website. 

I would like to introduce you to our beloved brand, Gunnystraps, and tell you how we promise to deliver you the best.


I always loved watches since I was very young. Back in 2008, big watches like the Panerai were almost everyone’s favorite and I would prefer it to be fitted on some vintage leather strap. The only problem is that there are not many strap makers that create vintage straps, so why not try to create my own?

How we started

After gathering tons of readings and videos (not as easy to access back in 2008) and finding the necessary materials to create a strap, I finally made one and posted it in some forums as my achievement. Out of the blue, several forum members asked me if the straps were for sale and if they could purchase one for their watches, and that’s how Gunnystraps was born

Our promise

Now we still 100% handcraft our straps in every step, in-house, and we can now do way more than just vintage straps for Panerai. Since we handcraft our straps individually, personal customizations are very possible and it is what we are known for. We would love to invite you to be part of the art and let you imagine how you want your straps to be, and we will craft it into reality. We can also craft straps for almost any watch.


Have fun surfing through our web and see our pre-designed straps, if you have any inquiries or want to have any discussion, feel free to contact me through the WhatsApp button around your screen.


Best regards,

Peter Gunny

Founder of Gunnystraps

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Comments (5)

  • Stephen K Gruschkus Reply

    I recently ordered a watch strap from Is this the same company? The products seem identical but there are some slight differences in price, etc. between this website and

    Stephen Gruschkus

    October 1, 2020 at 3:52 pm
    • Admin Gunnystraps
      Admin Gunnystraps Reply

      Hello Stephen, yes is one of my reseller, I work with many resellers. While here I run the factory. The price difference is for buckle, I always quote the price here in my own website with buckle, but you can also order here without buckle, just lemme know.
      Peter Gunny

      October 2, 2020 at 1:52 am
  • Richard krugzen Reply

    Without a doubt, the best straps that I’ve ever received, I love everything, especially it’s comfort and one of a kind design

    July 2, 2024 at 5:28 pm
    • Johnson B. Reply

      Agree! It’s my favorite strap brand as well

      July 2, 2024 at 5:38 pm
    • Evan Reply

      I’ve never felt any other strap that’s thick but somehow very flexible and comfortable too! 100% agree with u

      July 2, 2024 at 5:41 pm

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